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How and when to add hobbies and interests on your CV

By Antal International

In the competitive landscape of job hunting, crafting a standout CV is crucial, especially for new graduates entering the workforce. While academic achievements and work experience are vital, showcasing your personality through hobbies and interests can add depth and make you more memorable to potential employers. However, knowing how and when to incorporate these personal pursuits can be a strategic decision. Let's delve into the art of integrating hobbies and interests into your CV as a new graduate, where it is beneficial and where it isn't

✔️ Instances Where Including Hobbies and Interests is Beneficial


  • Demonstrating Relevant Skills: If your hobbies directly relate to the job you're applying for, such as coding for a software engineering role or graphic design for a marketing position, including them can showcase your relevant skills and passion for the field.
  • Highlighting Transferable Skills: Hobbies like team sports can demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively, while creative pursuits such as photography or blogging can showcase your communication and storytelling skills, which are valuable in various professions.
  • Showing Cultural Fit: Sharing hobbies and interests that align with the company culture can signal to employers that you'll integrate well into their team. For example, if the company values work-life balance and community involvement, mentioning hobbies like hiking or volunteering can underscore your alignment with these values.
  • Adding Depth to Your Profile: Especially for new graduates with limited work experience, including hobbies and interests can add depth to your CV and provide insights into your personality, values, and interests beyond academic achievements.

❌Instances Where Including Hobbies and Interests Isn't Beneficial:

  • Irrelevance to the Job: Including hobbies that have no relevance to the job you're applying for can detract from the overall focus of your CV. Employers may view such information as unnecessary filler and prefer to see more relevant qualifications and experiences.
  • Controversial or Polarizing Hobbies: Avoid mentioning hobbies that could be controversial or polarizing, as they may inadvertently alienate potential employers. Keep in mind that your CV should present a professional image, and including contentious hobbies might distract from your qualifications and suitability for the role.
  • Lack of Space or Relevance: If your CV is already densely packed with essential information such as education, work experience, and relevant skills, including hobbies and interests might not be necessary. In such cases, prioritize the most pertinent details and avoid cluttering your CV with extraneous information.
  • Overemphasizing Personal Life: While it's essential to showcase your personality and interests, focusing too much on hobbies and interests at the expense of professional qualifications can give the impression that you prioritize personal pursuits over career aspirations. Strike a balance between personal and professional aspects in your CV.
  • Generic or Clichéd Hobbies: Including generic hobbies like "watching movies" or "listening to music" without adding any unique insights or experiences might not add value to your CV. If your hobbies are common and don't offer any distinguishing characteristics, consider omitting them or replacing them with more specific or meaningful interests.

Incorporating hobbies and interests into your CV as a new graduate can be a strategic way to differentiate yourself from other candidates and provide insights into your personality and skills. By emphasizing relevance, showcasing transferable skills, and maintaining authenticity, you can craft a compelling CV that captures the attention of potential employers

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