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Candidate Advice

How to simplify your job search

By Antal International

Many people see the job search process as a long, never-ending journey, from applying to finally landing their dream job. It’s normal to feel discouraged at times. Instead of viewing it as one huge task, try breaking it down into six smaller, manageable steps. This way, the process becomes more rewarding and much easier to handle.

1. Have you created a job search plan?

Start by drawing up a detailed action plan for your job search. Describe your career goals, identify the types of jobs and companies that interest you and set a timetable for your search. Break the process down into smaller tasks, such as updating your CV and applying for a certain number of jobs each week A structured plan will keep you focused and motivated throughout your job search.



2. Are you focusing on learning areas?

Identify and target areas for professional development. Assess your current skills and compare them with the requirements of the jobs you are looking for. Enrol on relevant courses, attend workshops and seek certification to enhance your expertise. Demonstrating a commitment to lifelong learning can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Read more:

Blog - Benefiting from skills-based hiring in 2024 as a candidate! | Antal


3. Do you know your value?

Understand your value in the job market. Study industry standards for salary and benefits to get a clear idea of what you should be earning. Websites such as Glassdoor, PayScale and LinkedIn Salary can provide valuable information. Knowing your value will help you negotiate better offers and ensure you are paid fairly for your skills and experience.

Read more:

Blog - How to conduct thorough company research before applying for a job |

Blog - Discover your unique sweet spot at work! | Antal


4. Is your CV polished?

It’s often said that first impressions are crucial, and your CV is the first impression employers will have of you as a professional. So, it needs to be top-notch. Tailor your CV for each job application, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences. Use strong action verbs and specific achievements to show your impact. Also, ensure your CV is well-organized, free of errors, and visually appealing.

Read more:

Blog - What is a CV that stands out in 2024? Find out here! | Antal


5. Are you ready to do interviews?

Do mock interviews with friends or use online resources to prepare for the most common questions. Concentrate on expressing your experience clearly and confidently. Prepare your answers to behavioural questions using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) and be ready to explain how your skills match the job requirements.

Read more:

Blog - How to showcase your working style at interviews | Antal

Blog - Answering "Tell me about yourself" in interviews | Antal


6. What are you doing to build your network?

Attend industry events, join professional organisations and chat to people in your sector on LinkedIn. Contact former colleagues, mentors and other contacts to tell them about your job search. Building a strong professional network can lead to valuable relationships and job opportunities that may not be advertised publicly.

Read more:

Blog - Leveraging the power of LinkedIn! Some tips you can use to optimize your profile | Antal

Blog - Networking for Success: A Holistic Guide to Building Relationships and Advancing Your Career! | Antal

Stay organised, be proactive in your search and continually improve your skills and professional network. With commitment and a strategic approach, you'll find the opportunity that matches your career goals.


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